I'm Back with the Quote of the Week: Set Goals

Sorry for not posting a quote last week. A combination of student papers to grade, computer problems and the election kept me off the blog.

I found this quote in one of my student's papers. It comes from Tom Amberry whose claim to fame is his ability to shoot 2750 free throws in a row without a miss. Since many people are "between" seasons right now, it's a good time to re-evaluate this year's goals and set next year's. This quote really speaks to the importance of goal-setting.

A strange and wonderful thing about goals is that they will always accomplish something good, even if it’s not what the person had in mind when setting them.

--Tom Amberry, author of the book Free Throw

P.S. If you live in the US and you haven't voted yet, don't forget to vote. As we saw 4 years ago, every single vote can make a difference.