Quote of the Week: The Wild West

Those of you who've been reading this blog for a while know that if I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks it's probably finals time -- which it is. I've taken some time away from grading final projects and writing final exams to post this quote of the week. It was a quote that appeared in one of my student's papers (she got an "A"). It's source is Trevor Brazile, a five-time World All-Around champion cowboy. It's his answer to a reporter's question, "Are the tough guys ever afraid? Does fear enter into the sport of rodeo?" Here's his response:

Fear? There’s no fear, but everyone gets something in the belly. You have to handle it. There has to be a certain level of nervousness to get you to the top of your game—and if you’re not at the top, you’re not going to win. -- Trevor Brazile

Make it a great week!