Quote of the Week: From the Coach of the Lakers

Living in LA it's a bit difficult to not get swept up in the NBA finals these last few days. So this week's quote comes from Lakers' coach Phil Jackson.

If you're not familiar with his coaching style here's a description of him from an article on WashingtonPost.com: Weaving together his twin passions of spirituality and basketball, Jackson seems as interested in developing his players' intellectual imaginations as he is in drawing up defenses....Players practice Buddhist meditation before they practice jump shots. Jackson describes their signature offense as "five-man tai chi." He summons his team to meetings by beating a Native American drum, and team rooms are decorated with Native American totems -- wooden arrows and bear claws -- rather than banners and trophies."

Here's the quote:

In basketball -- as in life -- true joy comes from being fully present in each and every moment, not just when things are going your way.

--Phil Jackson

Regardless of whether the Celtics win or the Lakers win, make it a great week!